Millet House
Gallery, Books, & Community Space

Located at 440 West 1st Street in Mesa, the Millet House Gallery and Community Space continue to provide a range of support for a diverse cross-section of artists and art lovers. Having pivoted to virtual-only in 2020, we added outdoor events in the fall of 2021. It’s been an adventure! Although our physical doors are still closed except by appointment (some of those we serve are immunocompromised), we are happy to announce that the Millet House courtyard is now open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, offering outdoor space for respite, art-making, peace, gardening, and other creative initiatives. A number of our own artists and volunteers are busy beautifying the space: stay tuned for news of our upcoming outdoor Pizza Nights! Thanks to many kind donors, our Little Free Library is full, currently featuring a number of multicultural “Reading in Color” books courtesy of our friends at Bookmans Mesa. Our Friday Zoom Open House continues email THE MILLET HOUSE for information. For event information, go to
To learn more about Millet House and upcoming opportunities to serve, please contact Sandra Sutton.