Parish Choir
The Saint Barnabas Choir, known for inspiring our congregation to new heights, contributes music during our 7:45am and 10:15am Sunday worship services. We have members from all walks of life as well as professional musicians in leadership roles. Our repertoire is varied and spans the centuries of sacred choral music from Renaissance through Modern. The choir also performs major choral works at concerts during the year and leads other liturgies during the church year, including Holy Week services, Christmas Eve, and more.
The Saint Barnabas Choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings, September through June, from 7-9pm in Lincoln Hall of the Gwen Harris Music Center. The choir gathers for a rehearsal on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Sanctuary before singing for the 10:15am liturgy. Twice a year we hold day-long choir workshops at off-campus locations.
We have volunteer opportunities available in several areas (not necessarily limited to choir members): music library, social planning, personnel management, concert and event set-up, wardrobe/robing, publicity, and administrative assistance.
If you would like to join the choir, or have any questions about our musical offerings, please fill out the form below in order to contact our music department. Questions? Please contact our choir director Robert Heyde.