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Our extraordinary youth and leaders have just concluded their annual mission trip, and here is a recap of their experience. This time, they embarked on a meaningful journey to Oro Valley, where they found lodging at the welcoming Episcopal Church of the Apostles.

During their stay, our dedicated group had the privilege of collaborating with an incredible organization known as Casa Alitas Welcome Center. This center is dedicated to supporting migrant and refugee families as well as individuals who have fled their homelands in search of safety from violence and poverty. It was here that our youth witnessed firsthand the real-life situations that migrants encounter while in detention. They listened intently to personal stories filled with hardship, learning about the immense challenges these individuals face on their journey to find security and a better life.

In addition to gaining knowledge through these eye-opening accounts, our youth group actively participated in packing over a 1,100 snack bags. They worked diligently, pouring their hearts into every bag, knowing that each one would provide some comfort to those in need. This hands-on experience not only allowed them to contribute to the well-being of others but also fostered empathy and compassion within their hearts.They engaged in open discussions, asking questions, and seeking to understand the complexities surrounding immigration and refugee issues. Through guided conversations and informative sessions, they acquired a deepened awareness of the immense challenges faced by individuals seeking refuge and the critical role organizations like Casa Alitas play in offering support.

Even as we are ever mindful of the challenges with our borders and the questions surrounding such, this mission trip has been an incredible opportunity for growing personally and cultivating empathy. We anticipate that their journey will inspire others and that the lessons learned will continue to resonate within their lives as they carry the spirit of compassion and understanding into their future endeavors.

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