Wednesday Family Night
Formation and Fellowship for All Ages
Scroll down for information on all Wednesday programs
Contact Sarah Petersen (480.948.5560) with questions.
Wednesday Schedule
Nursery open 5:00-6:30pm
5:00-5:25pm – Playground Drop-Off
5:30-6:30 – Music or 3M classes for kids
5:30-6:00 – Adult prayer service in the Chapel
6:00-6:30 – Adult Happy Hour in the Other Cup
6:30-7:00 – Family Dinner in Hutton Hall
6:45-8:00 – Youth Confirmation for 7-9th grade
Music & Children’s Choirs
At Saint Barnabas, we believe that children of all ages can engage in musical education that leads to a lifelong love of music making. Starting at age 3, we offer quality music classes and performance opportunities that allow children to learn the fundamentals of musicianship. Our approach is gently faith-based and we welcome your children to join this enriching program. All Wednesday night classes begin with playground time from 5-5:25pm, with classes from 5:30-6:30pm.
Music Makers (Ages 3-5)
Designed for children to have fun while developing a love for music, Music Makers is for preschool children. We use developmentally appropriate games and musical activities while learning engaging songs about life and faith. Although not a performance group, we do encourage our students to try singing in front of a group of friends and family for Children’s Chapel one Sunday per semester.
Children’s Choirs (Grades K-8)
Children’s Choirs at Saint Barnabas perform regularly throughout the school year—usually once a month on Sundays. Both choirs engage in elements of solfege, harmony singing, note reading, and sight singing. All members are assigned a red robe for singing in church.
Andante (Grades K-2)
Andante Choir provides an excellent introduction to choral singing and performance. Students engage in warm-ups and music education weekly while preparing to sing in Sunday church services and other events.
Allegro (Grades 3-8)
Singing increasingly challenging music, Allegro Choir gives upper elementary students an opportunity to serve as leaders in the music program.
3M: Meditation, Movement, Making
After playground time wraps up, kids ages 5+ are invited to participate in our new program that centers on three different elements:
- Meditation – Through various forms of meditation and contemplation, we invite your young people to think deeply about God and life. Guided meditations, labyrinths, breathwork, and more will be included in the first third of class.
- Movement – Other forms of meditation include movement and connection with the body. Yoga and tai chi are examples of this. 3M participants will be encouraged to meditate through movement during each class.
- Making – The final third of class will be devoted to creative expression, also known as making. Legos, collage, and coloring will be a few of the options.
We imagine that this offering will develop over time. However, we are committed to providing a safe space for growth and creativity for ages 5-12 years during this Wednesday night hour from 5:30-6:30pm.
Gathering Families
This is an opportunity for parents, caregivers, and those who feel called to join us to get together mid-week for renewal and community engagement. It is also a chance for your children to join in the Wednesday Night Music program or our alternative program we’re calling 3M: Meditation, Movement, and Making while you pray and visit with other adults.
5:15-5:30: The chapel will be open for “decompression” from the day and for meditation. We’d ask that socializing happen outdoors or after worship.
5:30: A quiet prayer service with time for reflection. Rev. Jennifer and Rev. Robert will pull material for reflection from a number of different sources.
6:00: Social time in The Other Cup with each other. We will not curate the conversation. It’s simply going to be a time to be together.
6:30: We’ll join the children in Hutton Hall for a kid-friendly dinner.
We are not designing anything that would require you to be at worship or at the social hour every week. Our goal is that this time together will be restorative and encouraging.
Infants and toddlers will be cared for by our regular Saint Barnabas nursery staff in the Children’s Center Purple Room. We encourage all children ages 3+ to try out the music program. But if music does not appeal to your child, we have a new offering called 3M: Meditation, Movement, Making.