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The Artist’s Way of the Cross: String Quartet
Stories, by Guest Author

Piece: Interludium in Modo Antico (Interlude in an Ancient Mode) Composer: Alexander Glazunov Musicians: Lisa Kemp-Eisenberg, violin; Andrew Sievers, viola; Claire Sievers, violin; Gail Rolland, cello Statement from the Musicians Interludium in Modo Antico (Interlude in an Ancient Mode) was written by Russian composer Alexander Glazunov in the 1880’s when he was still in his teens. … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: String Quartet

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Roland Ptak
Stories, by Saint Barnabas

Artist: Roland Ptak Medium: Holbien Duo oil and Windsor Newton water colors Station: Jesus falls Artist’s Statement Why I chose to paint Christ falling with the cross. Richard Rohr in his book Falling Upward talks about dealing with life’s darkest moments, when we stumble, fail, fall in our endeavors. His premise is that we should … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Roland Ptak

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Robin Oden
Stories, by Saint Barnabas

Artist: Robin Oden Medium: Oil on canvas Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross Artist’s Statement The view is one of Jesus peering down his arm to view the crucified robber. His mother is at his side. The twisted body of the penitent thief reflects the tragedy of the moment. The duality of both realism … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Robin Oden

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Tony Conyers
Stories, by Guest Author

Artist: Tony Conyers Medium: Copper, wood, paper Station: All ten Biblically-based stations Artist’s Statement The genesis of the icon necklace originally came from an icon of Saint Barnabas from Greece, combined with a recent photo of a group of children presenting their personal favorite icons in front of the altar screen at Assumption Church (Greek … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Tony Conyers

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Liza Bell
Stories, by Guest Author

Artist: Liza Bell Medium: Mixed media (acrylic/oil) on canvas Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem ARTIST’S STATEMENT Jesus shared the hard TRUTH with the women of Jerusalem that the salvation they hoped for was not at hand. He told them not only was HE going to be crucified, but the killing and darkness would … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Liza Bell

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Bill Dauphinais
Stories, by The Rev. Erika von Haaren

Artist: G. W. Dauphinais Medium: Oil on canvas Station: “Simon Abets Jesus” (or Simon of Cyrene carries the cross for Jesus) ARTIST’S STATEMENT After signing up to help create a piece of art for our Lenten observation of the Stations of the Cross, I first read what I could find about the station I chose: … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Bill Dauphinais

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Jenn Steege
Stories, by The Rev. Erika von Haaren

Musical Meditation Title: Mary’s Song Instrument: Native American Flute Musician: Jenn Steege Musician’s Statement This musical offering begins as a lullaby…. and moves into a lament. Mary’s initial soft crooning tones are followed by a musical interpretation of the anguish and questioning of her heart. Her agonized acceptance is reached and then resolved within the … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Jenn Steege

My Story: Tom Dietrich
Stories, by Saint Barnabas

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Harriet Bigham
Stories, by The Rev. Erika von Haaren

Artist: Harriet Bigham Medium: Oil on canvas Station: Jesus meets his afflicted mother Artist’s Statement I taught at an inner city school in Kansas City, MO and once took my class to see stained glass at Grace & Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. One window depicts a black saint (St. Cecelia) and few students have seen … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Harriet Bigham

The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Joanne Berg
Stories, by The Rev. Jim Clark

Artist: Joanne Berg Medium: Oil on canvas Station: Jesus takes up his cross ARTIST’S STATEMENT My consistent impressions while considering creating this piece were feelings of abandonment, despair, and overwhelming exhaustion. Jesus has experienced his trial, the pain of being whipped and of the circlet of thorns being thrust on his head. He now takes … Continue reading The Artist’s Way of the Cross: Joanne Berg