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It’s the most wonderful time of the year:

when our winter members are back in Scottsdale and our Sanctuary swells with more voices, more energy, more joy as a parish community. Alleluia!

This is also the time when we get a little cozier in the pews, so we invite you to find ways you can help everyone who comes to worship feel more welcome:

  1. When you arrive on Sunday morning, could you consider parking in the back of our property to make room for visitors to park in front?
  2. If you feel a little snug in the 10:15am service, have you considered trying the 10:21am service? This quieter, more spacious worship in the Music Center might just be the bit of peace and quiet your soul needs.
  3. If you usually sit on an aisle in the main Sanctuary, could you make an extra point to keep an eye out for people who might want to sit in your pew and either
    1. move into the middle of the pew so it’s easy for your fellow worshipper to sit down, or
    2. stand up to invite them in so they can easily slip past you? And maybe that’s a time if you don’t know each other to introduce yourself and make a new acquaintance!
  4. If you’re looking for a new vantage point and a little more room, consider
    1. joining the choir, or
    2. serving the bread or wine at communion, or
    3. acting as an usher to get involved in making worship beautiful for all who come.


We’d love to have you involved! Contact me to learn about what you might do:

Thank you for finding your ways that you can make Saint Barnabas welcoming to everyone!

About The Rev. Erika von Haaren

Vicar at Saint Barnabas. Priested and at Saint Barnabas since 2006. Certified Daring Way Facilitator. Jesus follower, gratitude practitioner, wife, mother to three little ones who keep me joyful and honest.