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We are so grateful to all who have made a pledge to support the mission and ministry of Saint Barnabas in 2017.

Thank you for joining us in this deeply important work. It can be easy to look around and not realize how crucial each person’s contributions are to the life and wellness of Saint Barnabas, but it really is true: every dollar of your support goes toward…

  • Creating & offering deep and meaningful faith formation activities for all ages to grow in our discipleship
  • Becoming an inviting and welcoming church for all who are seeking a church home and all who have newly found us
  • Supporting mentorship of new ministry leaders and the leadership work of our staff members who form these new leaders
  • Extending our hands into the world via our missions and outreach to express our discipleship
  • Designing beautiful worship experiences led by our incredible music ministries to be nurtured in our faith
  • Walking with those at every stage of life as they need pastoral care so that no one ever suffers alone
    Drawing us together in our parish life to love and support each other as a community and find safety and security in the strength of these bonds

To learn more about our annual budget and how these priorities fit together, see our Ministries-Based Budget.

As the end of 2016 approaches, I hope you will join me in making a pledge to continue all these things in the coming year, allowing us to make disciples who go out and serve, love, and give in the name of our friend and savior, Jesus.

About The Rev. Erika von Haaren

Vicar at Saint Barnabas. Priested and at Saint Barnabas since 2006. Certified Daring Way Facilitator. Jesus follower, gratitude practitioner, wife, mother to three little ones who keep me joyful and honest.