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Making All Things New: Blessed to be Together

Pledge Drive 2022

Pledge Now

The mission of the 2022 pledge campaign…

Our theme this year: Making All Things New: Blessed to be Together! For the past 18 months the pandemic has limited our access to the church grounds. Now as conditions have improved, we are able to gather again in person—all while maintaining our online ministries. And what a blessing it is to be together in so many different ways! With God’s grace and our strong faith, we can strengthen our bonds and the mission of our beloved Saint Barnabas! Through all of our disruptions, our core values have held steady: All are welcome;  we are graced with the boundless presence of God;  we continue making disciples. During our pledge season, leading up to Gratitude Sunday on November 21, we are holding activities after church every Sunday to renew our bonds together and continue supporting the good work of the church. Scroll down to learn more about our pledge campaign.

Pledge Drive Events

Missions Festival

Sunday, October 24 | In Photos and Videos

Chili Festival

Sunday, October 31 | In Photos


Military Appreciation

Sunday, November 7 | In Photos

Movie Sundae!

Sunday, November 14 11:30 am in Hutton Hall

Gratitude Sunday

Sunday, November 21

We hope you will join us for Gratitude Sunday, on November 21 during our in person or online worship where we will be celebrating the outpouring of love and service we have seen from our Saint Barnabas disciples. Click here to learn more about Gratitude Sunday.