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Pledge Now

It’s going to be ENGAGING. It’s going to be MEANINGFUL. It’s even going to be FUN! How so?

The mission of the 2018 pledge campaign is to continue to cultivate a community of generous disciples who give and serve thankfully, joyfully and abundantly in response to the blessings that God has entrusted to us. Our campaign will seek to deepen our commitment to financial stewardship guided by the Biblical tithe. We hope to help all our members prayerfully consider how they can work toward tithing, giving back to God 10% of their income through supporting the ministry and mission of Saint Barnabas.

We will learn more about this together throughout the pledge season and the campaign will conclude with Pledge Sunday on November 19, 2017.

Keep checking back here and keep an eye on our Facebook Page and your email inbox to learn about how you can be part of supporting them in 2018!