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Begins Wednesday, September 7, 5:30pm

From our youngest to our oldest parishioners, and everyone in between, it’s easy to get engaged in our Wednesday night program! There are musical activities for all ages and dinner is provided for everyone.


Children’s Music Registration

5:30PM Music Makers (ages 3-5) meets in the Learning Center, Andante Children’s Choir (grades K-3) in the Music Center, and Allegro Children’s Choir (grades 3-7) in the Sanctuary.  Parents meet in the Chapel for a brief prayer service followed by happy hour in The Other Cup until the children are finished with class.

6:15PM – Dinner for all ages begins in Hutton Hall (suggested donation: $5/adults, $2/child).

7:00PM – The adult Parish Choir rehearses in the Music Center..

Click below to donation for dinner:

Donate for Dinner